Kratom Strains: Types, Kratom Effects Chart (Complete Guide)
Kratom Strains: Types, Kratom Effects Chart (Complete Guide)
Abdullah Mamun
Abdullah Mamun
Updated on June 09, 2022

Different Types of Kratom Strains

Indigenous to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea, kratom has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. It is a supplement produced from the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa, an evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia.

Since there are different strains of kratom, users need a kratom strain chart comparison chart that can guide and allow them to gain insights into this ravishing substance. 

There are basically four main types of kratom strains: red, yellow, white, and green. Each strain has different effects depending on its alkaloid content. However, kratom types and their differences don’t end at the leaf veins and their colors. Depending on the location they’re grown in, as well as their processing methods, various kratom strains will have different effects on their users, even if they are from the same vein “family.”

This is why we have created this all-in-one kratom varieties chart, to make finding the right kratom strain easier for you. Let's take a quick peek at our kratom strains guide!

Off we go!

What Is a Kratom Strain?

First things first: Kratom strain types are generally classified into four different groups by their colors, including red-vein, white-vein, green-vein, and yellow-vein. One could see that the stems and veins of a kratom leaf may have different colors.

Bear in mind that each color includes different chemical compositions. Of course, through the grinding process, the stem and vein may be removed. Yet, different kratom strains contain within themselves various alkaloids.

Mitragynine and 7-hydroxy-mitragynine are two of the most abundant alkaloids in any kratom plant, but there are nearly 30 other ones that can be found in the various strains. This is why the kratom world is full of different types of kratom that may impose different effects on their users. It is the alkaloid combinations that are responsible for the wide range of effects found in the dozens of strains found on the market today.

Types of Kratom Strains on the Market

Kratom industry has increased its market penetration in the last two decades, and now it's possible to process a variety of kratom strains. While there are so many different strain types, it's quite on the cards that we can classify them by their vein colors and their origins.

Going beyond mere veins, kratom strains are also categorized according to their chemical composition, which we will get into later on in this article.

Strain Types by Vein Color

Kratom strains can be distinguished by their vein color. Red veins are the most common type of kratom and are typically more potent than green, yellow, or white veins. White veins are less common but are often more effective.

Yellow veins are alkaloid-rich plants, containing a unique blend of qualities usually ascribed to the red vein (sedative strains) and energizing effects felt by green or white kratom users. Whereas green veins are the least common type of kratom and are usually somewhere in between red and white in terms of the effects they produce.

Red Vein Kratom

Grown abundantly in Southeast Asia, red vein kratom is usually more persistent than other Mitragyna Speciosa trees. Red vein kratom strains are kept under plenty of sunlight, sometimes UV lamps as well, when drying. Some research shows that its color indicates susceptibility to external factors. Red vein kratom originates from countries like Indonesia and Thailand.

Kratom users will often reach for red strains whenever they need help with falling asleep or look for a discomfort reliever. The strength of red vein kratom's sedative effects will vary depending on each particular strain (detailed list of strains below).

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White Vein Kratom

White kratom originates from countries like Cambodia and Vietnam. Generally, it is advised to use white-vein kratom together with the red vein variety. When taken by itself, it can be a potent energizer and help you get over your caffeine dependency. However, you also need to keep in mind that not all of the popular strains of white vein kratom will exert the same effect on you, and your elevated energy levels will also be dependent on the dose you take.

Other than substituting caffeine, white vein kratom strains can also carry with them significant mood enhancement benefits.

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Yellow Vein Kratom

Studies have evidenced that it’s an alkaloid-rich plant whose content is approximately 20% higher than the other strains available, making yellow vein kratom an even more effective choice for users. Particularly useful for people looking to get over opioid addiction, yellow vein kratom strains won't only tone down the withdrawals, but they are highly effective at relieving discomfort, as well as elevating your mood to some extent.

Thanks to a unique combination and high content of alkaloids, yellow vein kratom enjoys high popularity among seasoned users. As one of the most balanced variations of the plant, yellow vein strains also make for a good choice for complete rookies, who will experience a wide breadth of possible effects of the Mytragina Speciosa.

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Green Vein Kratom

Green vein kratom strains are not as intense as red or white strains. Green vein kratom originates from countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Like other kratom veins, it can be chewed, brewed as tea, taken as a powder, or even smoked. It also has a pleasant aroma.

While the significantly lower potency of green kratom strains might sound like a shortcoming, it is actually a blessing in disguise for users who are wary of building up a high tolerance and want to watch their kratom dosage.

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Kratom Color Chart

Red Vein
Best for relaxation; we recommend you take it in the afternoon or evening
Yellow Vein
The alkaloid-rich plant combines the best qualities of white and red vein kratom white Vein Kratom 
White Vein
More expensive than others, but with a more refined set of effects it will help with relieving discomfort, as well as elevate your energy levels
Green Vein
Easy to digest for the body; if you’re looking for a good coffee substitute to get your day started on the right foot, green strains of kratom are your best bet

Kratom Strains Chart

Kratom Strain Comparison Chart by Origin and Types

Borneo Kratom

Borneo kratom is a popular strain that is known for its high potency. Borneo kratom originates from the island of Borneo and is typically red or green in color.

Red Vein
High potency, Euphoric effects
Yellow Vein
High potency, Balanced energizing and calming effects 
White Vein
High potency, Moderately energizing effects
Green Vein
High potency, Moderately euphoric effects

Maeng Da Kratom

Maeng da kratom is a popular strain that originates from Thailand. It is known for its high potency and unique effects. Maeng da means in English "Pimp Grade". 

Red Vein
High potency, Slightly energizing effects
Yellow Vein
High potency, Energizing effects 
White Vein
High potency, Very energizing effects
Green Vein
High potency, Energizing effects

Bali Kratom

Because it is one of the finest breeds, Bali Kratom is recognized for its excellent performance and reliability.

Red Vein
High potency, Calming effects
Yellow Vein
High potency, Balanced mood-lifting effects 
White Vein
High potency, Moderately energizing effects
Green Vein
High potency, Balanced energizing and calming effects

Thai Kratom

Known for its remarkable potential in terms of its effects. Thai Kratom is typically red or green in color. Authentic Kratom is the first company in the USA to offer the 100% original thai kratom. 

Red Vein
Medium potency, Slightly energizing effects
Yellow Vein
Medium potency, Energizing effects 
White Vein
High potency, Very energizing effects
Green Vein
Medium potency, Energizing effects

Vietnam Kratom

Based on the nutrient-rich soil and ideal tropical conditions in Vietnam’s wild, Vietnam Kratom has a high alkaloid ratio.

Red Vein
High potency, Calming effects
Yellow Vein
Medium potency, Moderately energizing effects 
White Vein
High potency, Very energizing effects
Green Vein
Medium potency, Moderately calming effects

Bentuangie Kratom

The Bentuangie Kratom, a red-veined variant from the Kratom genetic diversity, is known by a variety of names, notably “Superior Bentuangie” or “Tropical Blend.”

Red Vein
High potency, Very calming effects
White Vein
High potency, Very energizing effects
Green Vein
High potency, Balanced energizing and calming effects

Thai Maeng Da Kratom

Thai Maeng Da Kratom, a strain of Mitragyna Speciosa, is cultivated exclusively in Thailand.

Red Vein
High potency, Slightly energizing effects
Yellow Vein
High potency, Energizing effects 
White Vein
High potency, Very energizing effects
Green Vein
High potency, Energizing effects

Horned Leaf Kratom

This type of Maeng Da kratom has dark leaves with little sharp spikes or “horns.” The horned kratom plant can survive harsh weather conditions and seasonal changes proving to be the most stable among all kratom strains.

Red Vein
High potency, Discomfort relieving effects
Yellow Vein
High potency, Very energizing effects 
White Vein
High potency, Mood-lifting effects
Green Vein
Medium potency, Balanced energizing and calming effects

Hulu Kapuas Kratom

The name of the Hulu Kapuas strain comes from the Hulu forest and the river Kapuas.

Red Vein
High potency, Mood-lifting effects
Yellow Vein
Moderately energizing effects 
White Vein
High potency, Very energizing effects
Green Vein
Medium potency, Discomfort-relieving effects

Riau Kratom

Riau kratom is a fairly young strain of Kratom that has taken the botanical market by storm in the West.

Red Vein
Medium potency, Sedative effects
White Vein
Medium potency, Moderate discomfort-relieving effects
Green Vein
Medium potency, Mood-lifting effects

Ketapang Kratom

Ketapang Kratom is one of the most popular types of kratom from various parts of the world.

Red Vein
Medium potency, Mood-lifting, calming effects
White Vein
High potency, Very energizing effects
Green Vein
Medium potency, Mood-lifting effects

Malay Kratom

The vast majority of the natives living in the region are reported to take Malay Green Kratom every day.

Red Vein
Medium potency, Balanced energizing and calming effects
Yellow Vein
Medium potency, Moderate discomfort-relieving effects 
White Vein
Medium potency, Energizing effects
Green Vein
Medium potency, Balanced energizing and calming effects

Kali Kratom

Kali is one of the best-smelling kratom strains out of all the varieties.

Red Vein
Medium potency, Calming effects
Yellow Vein
Medium potency, Energizing effects 
White Vein
Medium potency, Energizing effects
Green Vein
Medium potency, Very energizing effects

Elephant Kratom

Elephant kratom is one of the rarest strains of Mitragyna speciosa, making it difficult to come by.

Red Vein
Medium potency, Calming effects
Yellow Vein
High potency, Discomfort relieving effects 
White Vein
High potency, Energizing effects
Green Vein
High potency, Euphoric effects

Sulawesi Kratom

Sulawesi Kratom, as the name suggests, is derived from the Island of Sulawesi.

Red Vein
High potency, Mood-lifting, energizing effects
Yellow Vein
Medium potency, Energizing, discomfort-relieving effects 
White Vein
Medium potency, Mood-lifting effects
Green Vein
Medium potency, Balanced energizing and calming effects

Crushed-Leaf Kratom

Crushed leaf differs from traditional Kratom powder in that crushing rather than grinding Kratom offers a more diverse alkaloid profile.

Other Types of Kratom Strains

In addition to the strains listed above, there are also many other types of kratom available. Some of the less common strains include:

  • Malaysian Kratom: Malaysian kratom is a popular strain that originates from Malaysia. Malaysian kratom is also sometimes referred to as “Malaysian green” or “Green Malay” due to its green veins.
  • Indo Kratom: Originates from Indonesia and is typically red or green in color, Indo kratom is among the most sought-after Kratom strains.

What Are the Best Kratom Strains for Beginners?

When it comes to choosing the best kratom strain for beginners, there are a few things to consider. The first is the type of kratom you wish to try. Each kratom strain has a different chemical composition, resulting in various effects, not all of which you'd like to experience. Refer to the “Types of Kratom Strains on the Market” section of this article to see which would be the most appropriate type of kratom for you.

This is also where the color of the kratom you choose comes into play. Beginners often underestimate the importance of the kratom leaves colors – Red Bali kratom won't have the same effects as Green Bali kratom, despite the fact that they were cultivated at one geographical location and have the same genetic makeup – the leaves' maturity affects potency and the list of effects. Understanding this correlation is crucial when it comes to selecting the best kratom strains for your own particular preferences.

The second thing to consider is the potency of the kratom you choose. Some strains are more potent than others. Keep in mind that potency doesn't necessarily mean quality. There are plenty of high-quality kratom strains with lower potency, perfectly suitable for users who want to have some kratom tea in the morning to improve their mood but don't want the effects to hit them like a brick wall, potentially impairing their work efficiency.

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Dosage Recommendations for Beginners

When you speak of dosage recommendations for beginners, it is important to start low and slow. If you are new to kratom, it is best to start with a small dose, such as 2-3 grams. Once you have tried a few different strains, you can then move on to a higher dose if you desire.

Kratom should not be taken in high doses or more often than recommended. Doing so could lead to adverse side effects.

How to Consume Kratom as a Beginner

There are many different ways to take kratom, including powder, capsules, tinctures, and tea. Kratom tea is a good way of consuming kratom as a beginner, as this method is already familiar to anybody who's ever brewed a hot beverage for themselves before and allows you to change and adapt the flavor of your kratom product in accordance with your preferences.

If you want to be as precise as possible in regulating your kratom doses, then kratom powder might be the best way to go for you. With the help of a simple kitchen scale, you can easily manage how much of the substance you want to ingest and take detailed notes of the kratom effects you've felt, allowing you to increase or reduce the dosage the next time you take kratom.

Capsules are perhaps the most convenient way to use kratom if all you care about is feeling the effects as quickly as possible. Make sure to carefully examine the kratom contents of your capsules as a beginner – some of them come in higher doses that might surprise you, making for a shocking first-time experience.

We wouldn't recommend using kratom tinctures for your first couple of times, as they were extracted to maximize potency, and even a single drop over the recommended dosage can radically alter your experience.

What Are the Strongest Kratom Strains?

There are many different kratom strains, and each one has its own unique set of effects. The strongest effect you seek really depends on your personal preferences and what you are looking for in a kratom strain.

Yet, here are some of the strongest kratom strains:

Maeng Da Kratom: This is a very popular strain that is known for its high potency and unique effects. Even its name suggests that it is stronger than most other kratom strains you might come across. In Thai, “maeng da” literally means “pimp grade.” White and Green Maeng Da are its most popular varieties, but there is a red vein variation, as well.

Bali Kratom: It is the most potent one out of all the other strains of Kratom. Having originated in Indonesia, the most frequently consumed variety of Bali kratom is its red vein strain, best known for its sedative and anxiety-reducing qualities.

Thai Kratom: Thai Kratom, one of the most popular choices, is a strong candidate to be one of the strongest strains of kratom out there. Similar in its alkaloid content to Maeng Da, we recommend Thai Kratom to any experienced kratom users looking to increase the intensity of their experience with the plant.

How to Keep Kratom Tolerance Down?

First of all, it is important to rotate strains. Trying different strains of kratom will help to keep your tolerance down, as each strain has unique alkaloids that interact with your body in different ways.

Secondly, it is important to take breaks from kratom use. Using kratom every single day will inevitably lead to a higher tolerance, and you'll need to take increasingly high doses to feel the same effects as before. Taking tolerance breaks every once in a while will help you keep your dosage low, allowing your kratom stash to last for much longer.

Finally, use kratom properly - use a kitchen scale when preparing your kratom dose and start out with smaller amounts of the substance. A kratom dose that is too low can be easily enhanced by slightly increasing the amount, but if you take too much kratom at once, all you can do is wait until the effects wear off.

How to Choose a Kratom Strain

When choosing a kratom strain, it is important to consider your desired effects and the potency of the strain. All of the kratom strains are different from each other in terms of alkaloid content.

Another crucial thing you need to be mindful of is your experience level and the reason why you're planning to buy kratom in the first place. If you're just trying to replace coffee with another energizing drink that doesn't give you the jitters, it's probably a good idea to go with green vein kratom.

On the other hand, if you're overcoming addiction and struggling to deal with opioid withdrawal symptoms, then red vein kratom strains are considered to be some of the best sedative substances for that purpose. While all kratom strains bind to the opioid receptors in our brains, red kratom strains are known for their relieving effects and, as such, are helpful with managing addiction withdrawal.

Besides, it is vital to choose a dependable kratom distributor that brings together leading kratom specialists. At Authentic Kratom, we individually test each product for safety and potency! Give Authentic Kratom a try now!
