Although Kratom is legal in many states in the USA, its consumers or those who want to use this herb may be concerned about whether it will show up in a drug test or not. The skeptical situation surrounding Kratom legality has prompted its users to be extra careful while using this useful botanical.
Moreover, some of the employers who are concerned about the productivity of employees or the safety of their workplace may request their employees to be tested. Now, this all comes down to one question.
Does Kratom show up on drug tests?
Well, Kratom alkaloids do not show up in standard 5-panel drug tests such as SAMHSA-5, or NIDA-5. However, the 10-panel drug test that specifically tested Kratom could detect it in urine up to a week after the herbal tea usage. Furthermore, it can also be inspected in other drug tests like blood, hair follicle, and saliva drug tests.
Nonetheless, users should pay attention to urine tests because it is the most preferred drug test by employers and there are high chances that the other type of examinations will not be conducted for kratom detection.
After all, urin alysis is the shortest and most accurate way to detect drugs and chemical substances.
Kratom Detection in Urine Tests
Urine test is the most common drug detection test because it is non-invasive and its detection window is longer than a blood test. Although kratom is not detectable in the standard 5-panel drug screening urine test, specialized 10-panel screening urinalysis can catch it.
The active alkaloid of Mitragyna that is called mitragynine, can be observed in the urine at the earliest 6 hours after Kratom use by this specific test. However, its detection window can be for up to 9 days, depending on the dosage and some other factors. A small amount of Kratom can be observed in a urine test for up to five days.
Kratom Detection in Blood Tests
Even though blood tests are less used than urine tests, they can detect the mitragynine present in Speciosa in the first 24 hours. A blood test can detect Kratom for up to a few days depending on the dosage and some other factors.
Unlike a urine test, the blood test can also show the amount of Kratom in the blood according to the blood concentration. The amount and time are important factors that can affect the ability of blood tests to detect kratom.
Kratom Detection in Hair Tests
Drug courts often use hair and nail tests to measure drug use. A hair test is important to be able to discuss the progress and relapse of users who enter the recovery process.
Although a hair test is not preferred as compared to blood or urine tests during the recruitment or any legal process, the detection window of a hair test is longer. While mitragynine can be detected after 7-10 days from the use of Kratom in the hair follicle, this period can last up to 90 days. This test is generally preferred when the detection time of the urine test has passed.
Kratom Detection in Saliva Tests
While saliva tests can be used for a number of substances, there is no special saliva test for Kratom. In theory, a normal saliva test might detect Mitragyna but generally, a saliva test is not used to detect this herb.
How Long Does Kratom Stay in the Body?
When appearing for a drug test, Thang users are often worried about whether the botanical will be detected or not. This prompts them to wonder and research how long Kratom stays in their system.
It is important to know that the duration of a chemical substance to stay in your system is decided by its half-life. The pharmacology of kratom has only been studied in animals profoundly.
The length of time this herb stays in the system is affected by many factors. According to research, the half-life of major Kratom alkaloids is approximately 23- 24 hours, the shortest half-life is just over 2 hours and the longest half-life is 39.31 hours.
While Speciosa stays in the person's system that has a 24 hours half-life system for 5 days, it stays in the person's system that has a 2 hours half-life system for 9.6 hours. However, Kratom can stay in the system for up to 9 days depending on the dosage.
What Influences How Long Kratom Stays in Your System?
It is important to understand the factors that affect the duration of elimination of kratom in the system. Both personal factors and the characteristics of the botanical can affect the duration of its stay in the system.
Dosage and Method of Administration
It is known that Thang can be eliminated faster in the people's system who use it less frequently and in small amounts than those who use it in larger amounts and more frequently.
The method of administration of the Kratom affects the length of time it stays in the system. Chewing fresh leaves and drinking its tea causes the herb to stay in the system for less time, while the toss and wash method extends this time.
Also, taking kratom in capsule form can cause its effects to show up after a longer time than other forms, as the capsule must be dissolved in the stomach before.
Type of Leaves
Some Kratom strains are more effective than others because the age, size of the plant, where it grows, and when it is harvested can affect the level of mitragynine in the plant.
Therefore, some strains may remain in the system longer, while others are eliminated earlier. Speciosa plants that are grown in Southeast Asia have high mitragynine levels because of the tropical region with good humidity. This is the reason that Vietnam, Maeng Da, Borneo, Bali, Horn Kratom are among the strains which have the highest level of mitragynine.
Weight and Age
Since mitragynine dissolves in fat, Kratom can be eliminated more slowly in the system of individuals with high fat and high weight than those with low ratios.
Age is also one of the most important factors affecting how long the kratom will stay in the system. In elderly people, especially in people over 65 years of age, decreased kidney function, increased drug use, slowed metabolic rate and other physical changes may cause kratom to stay in their systems for longer than the younger people. So, young ones may have a shorter detection window than older people.
While taking Mitragyna on an empty stomach may increase its effects, taking it after eating a meal may cause its effects not to appear for an hour or more.
Therefore, taking kratom on an empty stomach can be detected in a shorter time. Taking it with a high-fat meal can also speed up its absorption and concentration levels.
In addition, the hydration level is an important factor for the elimination of this botanical. Drinking more water facilitates its excretion with urine.
Some enzymes may play an active role in the elimination of Mitragynine from the body. So genetics is an important factor in excreting Thang from the body.
Other Factors
The pH level of urine, functions of the liver and kidneys, any health conditions, drug interactions, and alcohol use are some other important factors that can affect the duration of Kratom remaining in the system.
Should I Worry About It?
Considering that Mitragyna is legal in most of the USA states, you shouldn't worry too much about getting tested for it. Most workplaces use standard 5-panel drug tests that can not detect Kratom alkaloids. A specialized 10-panel urine test that can detect the herbal plant is not much preferred, as it is quite an expensive test.
However, when you find out that you will be taking a 10-panel test, it may be a good idea not to consume kratom for at least 10 days before the test. Looking at all this, there is not a lot to be concerned about.