Kratom Dosage Guide - How Much Is Safe To Take Per Day?

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Kratom Dosage Guide

Kratom is a decades-old beneficial botanical that has been quickly gaining popularity all over the globe for its various health benefits. Mostly, people use it as a herbal substitute for pharmacological medicine with lesser side effects.  If you are someone who has just recently started taking an interest in this excellent herb and want to try some out, it is best to get your Kratom dosage guide right first. 

How To Measure Kratom At Home?

One of the essential points to consider when using Ketum is the dose. Although you can go for kratom dosage guide pre-measured capsules for your convenience, they are usually at the pricier end than the powder form. However, one problem with the Kratom powder is measuring it correctly.

Fortunately enough, you can easily do this at home. You don't need to buy particular measuring tools to calculate your Kratom dose. You can scale this botanical with the help of a teaspoon or a tablespoon quickly. 

The most crucial point is that not all teaspoons and dinner spoons are exact sizes. Some may be slightly larger than others that can cause slight variations in the doses. Regardless, it is quite a standard method, as usually, it doesn't make a significant difference.

How To Measure Kratom With A Teaspoon Or Tablespoon?

The measure depends on how finely ground the Kratom is. First, check kratom dosage guide and then calculate how many grams of a teaspoon or tablespoon equals and measure how many spoons you need to use accordingly. 

Moreover, after scooping out the powder, make sure to level out the spoon with the help of a flat surface like paper or knife. 

How Many Grams Of Kratom Are Present In A Teaspoon And Tablespoon? 

Roughly one teaspoon approximates 2.0 to 2.3 grams of Ketum, and one tablespoon contains 6.2 to 7.0 grams of herbal powder. 

However, some strains have a slightly different weight per volume, making this method imperfect. 

More Accurate Method Of Measuring Kratom 

No matter how convenient and cost-effective measuring with a spoon must be, we can not deny the fact that it can get a little incorrect. This is especially true when we don't exactly know how much of the powder our spoon can hold.  

Investing in a digital scale can serve the Speciosa users the right way. It is the most precise method to help you measure powder at home correctly. Although this would mean that you will have to spend some money on it, it need not be techy. Buying a simple digital scale that measures in grams and shows the object's weight in decimals should not cost you a lot of money. 

Another thing you can do is get a digital scale on rent or borrow it from a friend and measure the quantity of Kratom scoops in teaspoons or tablespoons that you use at home. Though, you have to make sure to use the same spoon for measuring Mitragyna dosing constantly. This way, you will not need to keep a digital scale for measuring at home all the time. 

How Much Kratom Should I Take?

What quantity of Mitragyna should work for you the best might vary from person to person. Certain factors come to play while getting to know personalized botanical dosing. How Much Is Safe To Take Per Day Here are some of the factors that can influence the amount of Ketum you would be needing for producing optimal effects:

  • BMI (body mass index)
  • Metabolic rate
  • Your tolerance level
  • Strain of Kratom
  • Results that you are looking to receive
  • Eating meals before or after Ketum consumption

It is essential to pay attention to the dose you take while using Kratom. Always start with the smallest amount and increase gradually in small increments till you work out the exact quantity that suits you the best. The only way to find out what dose works for you is to observe and experiment.

Nonetheless, we would like to recommend a consultation with a health professional who can guide you better regarding the appropriate dosing that will work for you the best. 

How Much Is Kratom Too Much? Do You Know Exact Kratom Dosage Guide

Although we can't say for sure what can be the ideal dose for you, it is generally recommended to take a maximum of 6 grams of Mitragyna at a time. 

The use of higher doses of it can lead to serious health problems. Using 8 grams or more of Ketum usually does not produce the desired effects. It can adversely affect your health, causing nausea and constipation at higher and more frequent dosing. 

How Much Kratom To Take Per Day?

The recommended dose of Speciosa depends on the age, sex, health status, and body chemistry of the user. Apart from that, the method of ingestion and the strain can also influence this botanical's effects. 

In a study conducted in 2017 with 8,049 Ketum users, most people reported that a dose of up to 5 grams of powder taken up to 3 times in a day was efficient to experience effects.

How Much Kratom For The First Time? Follow Kratom Dosage Guide

1 to 3 grams is ideal for beginners. The effects may be less obvious, but you can gradually increase them over time. You might start to get mildly stimulating responses between 3-5 grams.

For a soothing effect, it can be increased up to 6 or 7 grams. However, it is not recommended for beginners, as side effects may occur in 7 grams or more. In general, you can experience the most potential benefits, around 4-6 grams. Any more quantity than this can potentially lead to some side effects. For this reason, it will be sufficient to take 6 grams as the highest dose.

How Long To Wait Between Kratom Doses?

If you use Kratom every day, take doses approximately 12 hours apart. This way, you will have the herb in your blood regularly. Specifically, on an average weekend, you will have it in your bloodstream 24/7. 

However, if you use Speciosa sporadically, you can use it at shorter intervals. Still, it would be good to put 6 hours between two doses. Moreover, to avoid building tolerance to this herb, it is enough to take a break for 1-2 days. 

Kratom Effects By Dosage

1 gm Dose Effects & Warnings

If you are starting, you can try 1 gram of this herb. Usually, 1 gram of it doesn't have much of an effect. Though, if you have concerns, it is always best to start with the smallest doses.

1-2 gm Dose Effects & Warnings

Usually, beginners are recommended a dose of 1-2 grams. After using it like this for a while, you can make small increases when you believe you are ready for the leap.

2-4 gm Dose Effects & Warnings

If switching from a different strain, try a 2-4 gram dose. You experience pronounced but mild effects.

3-6 gm Dose Effects & Warnings

The energizing effect of the Kratom starts in this range on average. If you want to feel incredibly energetic, you can use 6 grams. However, don't start with 6 grams at a time. Remember, start with low doses of Ketum and gradually increase it.

5-8 gm Dose Effects & Warnings

You will begin to experience symptomatic relief in this range along with the other health benefits. 5-8 grams is ideal for getting away from stress. However, doses over 6 grams may be dangerous for some people. 

Remember that Mitragyna can be a substance with harmful side effects when overdosing. Be careful with your doses. Try not to use it continuously in very high quantities.


Kratom has been popular with people for its various uses. It is vital to know dosing before starting to use this herb. How much of it you should use depends on many factors like age, weight, body chemistry, strain, and whatnot. 

This is the reason that a dose that works for you might not work for someone else. We will ask you to talk to a professional caretaker who can guide you best in this regard.