You unquestionably must have come across Kratom in different advertisements, online stores, local smoke shops, farmers’ markets, and even gas stations in the US. With such well-known accessibility, you must have questioned whether the supplement has the claimed potential benefits. Is Kratom safe, or even legal. Moreover, many individuals question whether there is an age limit to buy Kratom.
While the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) argues it to be an addictive substance and possessing more cons than pros for people. However, is it legal across the United States? The answer to above queries depends on where you live. Kratom isn’t regulated at a Federal level, which means each state, city, and even county within a state has its laws on age restrictions.
This article will give you a deep insight into the legal age requirements to buy kratom, state-wise legality, its effects, and where you can grab genuine Kratom products. Let’s go.
Mitragyna Speciosa | A Brief Insider
Mitragyna speciosa, aka Kratom, is a native tree of Southeast Asia; however, Kratom is now available worldwide, including in the United States. Kratom leaves are the principal source of extraction; they are dried and finely crushed into powder, which can later be converted into many products like capsules, etc.
Is Kratom Safe?
The Supplements like Kratom fall in a controversial area. Clinical studies/research is imperative to understand any drug's pharmacology and the further development of new drugs (medications). They help understand the potential side effects of a particular drug and adverse drug interactions with other drugs. Clinical studies enable researchers to formulate exact dosages to be safe and effective.
To date, there haven't been many in-depth studies regarding Kratom; thus, it hasn't officially been suggested for remedial use.
Kratom has a rich alkaloid profile which has a strong physical effect on the mind and body. It has numerous alkaloids, similar to drugs like hallucinogenics and mushrooms.
While the supplement possesses side effects, it also has potential therapeutic properties; the US considers it as an alternative medicine.
Kratom Legality | Federal Level
Technically, the US has legalized Kratom, but to what extent exactly is the real question. Kratom is legal at a Federal level. However, it isn’t regulated; the supplement is unlikely to be considered legitimately by the law. Meanwhile, there isn’t any federal law on the books. Therefore, anyone can buy Kratom regardless of their age.
In 2016, the DEA tried classifying Kratom as a schedule 1 drug, claiming it to be an alternative to substances (drugs), especially after 91 deaths were reported due to overdose. Key issues were raised due to outrage of both the consumers and the scientific community. Later the DEA was stunned by the pushback from the Kratom community and scientific evidence that shows the deaths weren't due to kratom alone.
While Kratom consumers felt disturbed over being convicted due to possession of a schedule 1 substance, scientists were outraged over getting permitted to study the herbal substance and drawing out authentic findings that offer no potential benefits rather than just speculations.
If Kratom were classified as a schedule 1 drug, they would have to end all their research on the plant’s alkaloids. Moreover, they also called out the bias in the DEA’s death data.
Researchers claimed that all 91 individuals involved in overdose deaths attributed to Kratom had at least one narcotic proven to cause death by overdose in their system. Consequently, it was misleading to solely present the herbal supplement as the chief source of death in these cases.
The DAE decided to drop their struggles and let each state, city, and county within a state make its Kratom laws regarding the substance.
Kratom Consumer Protection Act
Let’s look at the Kratom Consumer Act before going state by state and checking Kratom's legal status and age-wise restrictions.
The Kratom Consumer Protection Act, KCPA in short, is a bill to regulate/give consumers’ access to Kratom legally; this initiative was taken by the American Kratom Association (AKA). The KCPA’s objectives are:
- Regulate Kratom products open for purchase
- Require lab testing and labeling of all Kratom products
- Reduce the risk of trading contaminated, adulterated (fake or cheap quality), or otherwise dangerous Kratom
- Establish penalties for those who do not abide by the law
The KCPA also suggested a legal kratom age limit regulation. As per traditional standards, the minimum age should be 18, whereas every state has laws and regulations that may set the age limit to 21 (US). Furthermore, the KCPA also thought even to ignore the legal age limit.
Why Does Kratom Have Age Limits Issues?
Kratom is surely gaining popularity in every corner, state and city of the US. However, let’s dive deeper and check out state-wise Kratom regulations and get a more profound idea.
To help you understand better and make research more convenient, we have formulated a detailed list of states (in alphabetical order), giving you information about Current Legal Status, Minimum Age Limit for Purchase, and Pending Legislation.
- Current Legal Status: Schedule 1 Controlled Substance (Illegal to buy, sell, possess or use)
- Minimum Kratom Age Limit: N/A
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Kratom Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Passed the KCPA (2019)
- Minimum Kratom Age Limit: 18
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Schedule 1 Controlled Substance (Illegal to buy, sell, possess or use)
- Minimum Kratom Age Limit: N/A
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (banned in San Diego City)
- Minimum Age Limit: None for purchasing
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated and illegal in the towns of Monument and Parker. Labeled illegal for human consumption in Denver)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated and banned in Sarasota county)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Passed KCPA (2019)
- Minimum Age Limit: 18
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: No official age restrictions
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Banned in Jerseyville, Legal and regulated everywhere else
- Minimum Age Limit: 18
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Schedule 1 Controlled Substance (Illegal to buy, sell, possess or use)
- Minimum Age Limit: N/A
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Recent attempt to classify it as a Controlled Schedule 1 Substance unsuccessful
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Recent attempt to classify it as a Controlled Schedule 1 Substance unsuccessful
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Recent attempt to classify it as a Controlled Schedule 1 Substance unsuccessful
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Bill on the house floor to study Kratom as a potential controlled substance
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Removal from a bill regulating Kratom as a synthetic drug
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Failure of recent bill on Kratom Ban
- Current Legal Status: Legal (some regulations)
- Minimum Age Limit: 18
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal everywhere except in Union County and Columbus City
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Failure of recent bill to classify it as a Controlled Schedule 1 Substance
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Passed KCPA (2019)
- Minimum Age Limit: 18
- Any Pending Legislation: A Kratom Ban proposal submitted by the Nevada Pharmacy Board
New Hampshire
- Current Legal Status: Legal (some regulations)
- Minimum Age Limit: 18
- Any Pending Legislation: None
New Jersey
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: A Motion for Kratom Ban currently in committee
New Mexico
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
New York
- Current Legal Status: Legal (some regulations)
- Minimum Age Limit: 18
- Pending Legislation: An active Bill presented currently in the state senate for Kratom Ban
North Carolina
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
North Dakota
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Ohio board of Pharmacy is currently commending Kratom Ban
- Current Legal Status: Legal (regulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: KCPA currently in view
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Currently studying Kratom to see classifies to be a controlled substance
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
Rhode Island
- Current Legal Status: Illegal (Classified as Schedule 1 Controlled Substance)
- Minimum Age Limit: N/A
- Any Pending Legislation: None
South Carolina
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
South Dakota
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (some regulations)
- Minimum Age Limit: 21
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal with no regulations
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Passed KCPA (2019)
- Minimum Age Limit: 18
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Illegal (Classified as Schedule 1 Controlled Substance)
- Minimum Age Limit: N/A
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: None
West Virginia
- Current Legal Status: Legal (unregulated)
- Minimum Age Limit: None
- Any Pending Legislation: Kratom Ban Bill introduced
- Current Legal Status: Illegal (Classified as Schedule 1 Controlled Substance)
- Minimum Age Limit: N/A
- Any Pending Legislation: None
- Current Legal Status: Legal with no regulations
- Age for Purchase: No official age restrictions
- Pending Legislation: None
Where Can I Buy Kratom?
Buying Kratom can indeed be tricky; nevertheless, sit back and relax because we have your back! Out of dozens of options available, we strongly suggest you grab our strains from trustworthy online vendors/brands. Read online guides to help you choose suitable strains and products from reliable buyers!
Final Note
We hope this article helped you gain the information you sought and helped you make your decision. While the herb offers many benefits, bear in mind that Kratom is a majorly unregulated substance, and most states have no age restrictions, it could pose a threat if a minor goes shopping from local stores that do not ask for an ID. In general, you need to be at least 18 years or 21 (in many cases) to buy Kratom.
We strongly advise you to speak to a doctor and start with a low dose to be on the safer side. Also, watch out for sneaky vendors selling fake Kratom! Till then, take care of yourself! We are always here to help you in every way possible.