This is a question that many people ask, especially those who are new to using this herbal product. So, is kratom habit-forming? This article will discuss whether kratom, the totally natural herb that has been used for various ailments and conditions in the native regions, is addictive.
Let’s get the ball rolling!
For a Kick-off: What Is the Definition of Addiction?
The word "addiction" is often used to refer to a range of different behaviors, from compulsive gambling to heavy drinking and drug use.
According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine(ASAM), addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences.
People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences.
So why do some people become addicted while others don't?
There is no single answer to this question, as addiction is a complex condition with many contributing factors. However, most experts agree that addiction is a chronic brain disease that causes people to compulsively seek out and use substances or engage in behaviors despite the negative consequences.
Addiction is not simply a matter of willpower or self-control - it changes the way the brain works, making it difficult for people to stop even when they want to. This is why effective addiction treatment must address both the physical and psychological aspects of the condition.
Let’s Get Down to Brass Tacks: Is Kratom Habit Forming?
Some authorities like the U.S. The Food and Drug Administration is doubtful of Kratom’s safety and they have never kept their concerns in the dark. According to them, kratom interacts with the same brain receptors as substances such as morphine, fentanyl, and codeine. So their main concern is that kratom leads the way to substance abuse.
Yet, experts do not weigh in with the FDA. They claim that FDA’s assumptions are based on unobjective observance. It is also a fact that if used correctly, kratom can prevent the use of many harmful substances that lead to substance addiction.
The problem with kratom lies not in its usage but in its wrongful production. The herb is notoriously lined with other harmful agents such as fentanyl, cocaine, and methamphetamine that lead to enhanced effects but adulterated products.
How Addictive Is Kratom?
The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified kratom as non-addictive, and for this reason, they did not approve a ban on its use worldwide.
However the organization urges people to conduct research into how it affects both addicts or those who may want an alternative form of medication while also noting potential therapeutic benefits associated with Mitragyna Speciosa which means we should monitoring these developments over time rather than making any immediate decisions about whether “temporary” measures like restrictions are necessary.
Is Kratom Physically Addictive?
There is much controversy surrounding the question of whether kratom is physically addictive. Some people argue that it is, while others claim that it is not. The truth is, there is no definitive answer.
There are just some rumors of people becoming addicted to kratom, both in terms of its effects on the body and mind. However, there is also some evidence to suggest that kratom may not be as addictive as some people think.
One study found that kratom did not produce any significant withdrawal symptoms when users stopped taking it. This suggests that kratom may not be as physically addictive as some substances. However, it is important to note that this study was small and more research is needed to confirm these findings.
Unfortunately, the regulation problems of kratom prevent advanced, scientific research. Since kratom is not regulated in the United States, it has been difficult to research this plant.
As a dedicated member of the American Kratom Association, we have been adhering to strict GMP standards and playing a vital role in the drive to expand kratom-based research.
Avoid Mixing Kratom with Alcohol
According to NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), one can very well become addicted to the duo after a period of prolonged use. This can cause withdrawal symptoms when the use is ceased.
Unfortunately, we do not have any dependable data on this combination. However, our health comes first so it’d be better to avoid combining them. For more information, have a glance at our other blog: Mixing Kratom With Alcohol: A Curse or A Cure?
Smoking Kratom Isn’t the Best Way to Consume!
In general, smoking leads to congestion, difficulty in breathing, persistent coughing, and weakening of the immune system. You can probably not get addicted to kratom, but smoking as you resort to it for taking your kratom dosage.
How Long Does It Take to Get Addicted to Kratom?
As we have stated before, kratom does not cause addiction unless, you are mixing up some drugs or alcohol while using kratom. Even in such a case, the answer to this question is controversial and depends on who you ask.
Some people will tell you that it takes weeks or even months of regular kratom use before addiction sets in, while others will tell you that addiction can happen after just a few uses.
However, as we have said before kratom is not addictive.
How to Keep Your Kratom Tolerance Down?
If your body and your mind build a tolerance to the kratom, then you do not feel as effective as they used to when you first started. As a result, you will unintentionally tend to keep on increasing the dose to awaken that feeling.
Got it, right? This is where addiction starts. So there are some simple steps to take:
1. Take a Kratom Clean Break
Have a breather of a good 3 to 4 days between intakes to prevent tolerance from building up rapidly. While you might suffer discomfort and stress, it is vital for your health and well-being.
2. Give Other Strains a Chance
Rotating strains every so often will make your system flexible and increase acceptance to different substances.
3. Rapid Taper Method
Maybe it's not an easy task for you to take a break. We feel you! An alternative to practicing staunch Kratom fasting is the Rapid Taper Method which reduces your regular dosage by half over five days.
4. Avoid Using Kratom Related Substances
Related substances may confuse your brain and you will tend to fail to feel the impact.
Taking Kratom upon it will nullify its impact as the system has already adapted to other substances such as coffee, tea, or alcohol.
Why Is Kratom Denigrated?
In recent years, kratom has become popular as a recreational drug and is often used as a substitute for a substance. It is also sold as a dietary supplement and is marketed as an alternative to traditional medical treatments.
Despite its potential benefits, kratom has been demonized by the media and government agencies. In 2018, the FDA issued a warning against using kratom due to its potential risks.
Moreover, FDA has once tried to ban the usage of Mitragyna Speciosa-related products in the United States, even though they did not have dependable proof. The reason is clear: There is a large financial incentive for opponents of kratom. Pharmaceutical companies stand to lose a lot of money if kratom becomes widely accepted as a safe and effective treatment for some conditions.
It is basically nothing but a violation of the free market economy in favor of monopolization.
Given the lack of evidence supporting the claims made by kratom's opponents, it's clear that the demonization of kratom is unjustified.
Summing Up
In this blog, we addressed the question of ‘is kratom habit forming?’
The fact is that kratom is not addictive. However, some rumors are going around that kratom is addictive but this may be because drug companies don’t want kratom providers in the competition.
Ultimately, your health and wellbeing should be your number one priority as only a healthy immune system can prevent drug addiction. Try eating fresh fruits and vegetables that boost immunity.
Last but not least: find a dependable kratom distributor. We are here for you!