Does Kratom Cause Dehydration
Does Kratom Cause Dehydration?
Abdullah Mamun
Abdullah Mamun
Updated on June 27, 2022

Are you experiencing the icky feeling of a dry cotton ball stuck in your throat? Have you been going through this a lot lately and especially after consuming Kratom? There is a great possibility that you are not consuming optimum water, and these are some early signs of Kratom dehydration.

It is common among Kratom consumers to not follow all protocols of consuming the herb and then experiencing the untoward effects.

What Is Kratom Dehydration?

Kratom dehydration simply means losing more water than what enters our body. It greatly affects internal metabolism and the working of vital organs, mood, and appearance. Various hormones and substances in your body are normally capable of excreting water through the kidneys and responsible for the normal osmotic balance. They can be called diuretics. In case of abnormal internal conditions or excess consumption of such substances, it can lead to severe dehydration that can even be life-threatening.

According to an analysis of social media data analysis, Kratom is also a diuretic. It has the ability to eliminate water from your body. When you overdose on Kratom intentionally or unintentionally or do not check your water consumption while taking the herb, it leads to excess elimination, thus leading to Kratom dehydration. 

There are a lot of other substances that have the same capability, including ginger, alcohol, parsley, caffeine, etc. In the case of Kratom, it does not harm your body as long as you use it in small to moderate amounts and consume plenty of water or other fluids.

Although lack of proper research, social media analysis, and anecdotal research do suggest that Kratom causes dehydration, the exact mechanism is still unknown. Still, various un-published research hints a relation between Kratom alkaloids with various systems of our body, including the excretory and nervous.

Kratom alkaloids interact with your nervous system along with other mechanisms and do not let you feel thirsty until your body is too dehydrated. As you don't feel thirst, you are less likely to consume water leading to dehydration.

Kratom is a diuretic, it speeds up water elimination from kidneys in the form of dilute urine. Thus, the combined effects of less water consumption and more elimination are the leading cause of Kratom dehydration, according to various Kratom scientists.

The situation even worsens when you overdose on Kratom. In these cases, the excess amount of herb sends signals to the body to flush out water, sodium, and other salts through urine faster and more often than normal. This leaves your body dehydrated, and you become weak and debilitated.

How To Know that you are suffering from Dehydration?

When experiencing kratom dehydration, you may have mixed symptoms of both overdose and excess water loss.

In most cases of overdoses, consumers report extreme nausea, vomiting, and headaches on taking kratom. If that is the case with you, there might be an underlying problem that you don't know. And therefore, you must consult your physician

Kratom does not produce the same effects in all consumers. If its consumption is upsetting you in anyway there are great chances that it can cause dehydration.

The more common signs of dehydration, according to various research, may include:

In mild to moderate cases

  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Extreme thirst and dry mouth
  • Dry skin and lips
  • Dark urine or decreased urine output, or smelly urine
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Lightheadedness
  • Syncope
  • orthostatic hypotension
  • palpitations

In severe cases

  • Reduced sweating
  • Sunken and red eyes
  • Low blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Fever

If you have any of these symptoms while taking the herb, you might be experiencing Kratom dehydration. Fortunately, you don't have to worry a lot in case of mild to moderate symptoms. Still, in cases of severe problems, you may need medical help. It is important to recognize these signs at the earlier stages so that you can manage them before something goes wrong.

Consumers have reported experiencing dry mouth after taking  kratom

According to an article published by the MayoClinic, Kratom can cause dry mouth, leading to frequent urination and subsequent water loss from the body. 

Consumers' Experience

A user on Reddit also shared his experience while asking his fellow consumers if anyone had experienced dry mouth after taking Kratom. Further explaining his query, he said that he had experienced severe dry mouth in the last week to the point that he actually had trouble breathing. Adding to that, he also wrote that he is not sure whether it's anxiety or it's the same leaf. He was worried and asked his fellow consumers to give a solution.

In response to this question many users responded and said that if one is regularly consuming kratom he/she should make sure to consume adequate fluids. This would prevent any consequences related to dry mouth and dehydration. 

Kratom specialists assume that Kratom produces varying effects in different individuals. Therefore, if you are experiencing any untoward effects, you should begin by researching your vendor and ensuring you are consuming a quality product. The next step should be to test different strains. If the problem still persists, you may need dose medications or lifestyle changes.

How to prevent kratom dehydration?

First things first, in order to prevent Kratom dehydration, it is important to understand the early signs and symptoms. Your body gives you a number of these signs you just don't have to ignore them.

According to ardent consumers, Kratom does not harm you as long as you don't step over the line with the dosage. Additionally, the good thing is that you can manage dehydration on your own with slight changes in your routine. Here are a few tips that helped a lot of consumers that faced a similar problem:

Limiting the dosage

In most cases, the dehydration is just a red signal indicating that you are overstepping the dosage and thus resolves when you bring it down. Upon feeling the slightest signs of dehydration, cut down on your dosage gradually until the point you still feel the effect but no signs of dehydration.

Stop using additional medication

Using other drugs with Kratom may cause numerous troubles, including dehydration. If you are taking any other diuretics with the herb, such as alcohol or caffeine, or any other synthetic diuretics, you may want to discontinue using them (after medical advice).

Working on your routine lifestyle

Staying hydrated and consuming surplus fluids is the only way to save yourself from the complications of dehydration. Here are a few things you can add to your list:

Set water drinking reminders

A lot of consumers don't feel thirsty too often, but it does mean that the body doesn't water. You should set alarms or reminders on your mobile phone so that you may be reminded regularly to hydrate yourself. Try to consume 8 glasses with a serving of 8 ounces of water throughout the day

Trying flavoring your water

Having plane water may get boring and may not be enticing; therefore, try infusing it with fruit flavors and make smoothies or cocktails to make it interesting. You can also squeeze lemon and add cucumbers to make natural detox water. This will allow you to consume the required amount of water while making the process a lot more interesting.

Eat moist foods 

You don't only have to drink water; you can eat too. Fruits like watermelon, apples, berries, mangoes, and more, can help increase hydration levels and also improve digestion by providing fiber. If you don't like to have them raw, you can make several snacks or food combinations with them, including flavored yogurts, salads, etc.

The Bottom line

Drinking an appropriate amount of water saves you from a lot of health problems, including Kratom dehydration. There is no research suggesting that Kratom essentially causes dehydration in every consumer, but several users have reported it. That is why it is important to maintain good fluid levels while consuming the herb.